

90-to-40: A story told with "thank yous"

Day 29:
It has been a long day, but a good one. A full day of work, followed by a 4 hour drive, losing an hour across a time zone and having to be up in 5 hours for a meeting, is no joke. Today's itenerary reads like it should have taken a week. I somehow managed to work, make plans for travel, drive four hours, stop by the bank AND had a new furnace installed. I feel like the old commercial... "and I'm cleaning my oven right now!" Whew... I am whooped.
The truth is... none of it would have been possible with out the flexibility and help from others. So, before I put my tired butt into dream land, I just wanted to say thanks to a few people as my way of sharing this day and showing gratitude.
Thanks to my partner for holding down the fort at my house today (in many ways). You are a good foreman, freak-out preventer and financial advisor. I love and miss you.
Thanks to my brother for the help with my banking even though I did not follow his instruction and he will have to go behind me and figure out my mess.
Thanks to the long lost childhood friend from 30 years ago who contacted me and brightened my day.
Thanks to mom for the ecouraging text replies.
Thanks to my coworkers and bosses for being helpful and flexible. Especially the I.T. lady who had to exorcise my possessed computer. 
Thanks to the man upstairs for keeping all the balls I had in  the air today from colliding.  And for keeping me safe on my trip.
Thanks for the rental car company who ran out of basic cars and upgraded me to an SUV for no additional charge.
Thanks to the heater guy for backing over my old furnace with his truck by accident and giving me some closure on that damn thing... and a good laugh. He knocked it about 20 feet and scattered parts all over (didnt hurt his truck).
Thanks to my buddy for keeping me company via phone on my drive.
Thanks to my best friend and his family for sharing the story and pictures of their 2800 mile journey to watch two of their sons graduate from bootcamp  in different places... then sharing the homecoming suprise for the oldest son to come home to his wife and new baby. And thanks to both sons for serving.
Thanks for the nice lady at Arbys who gave me plenty of Arbys sauce.
And thanks to Springhill Suites in Louisville KY for having a super comfy bed in which I am now going to fall asleep.

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